Sunday, March 1, 2009

soon they will go vertical!

Our weekly visit this week to the house was a blast. They were working fast to get the floor laid and the sides preped for the frame to go up! The kids were so excited to see the changes from last week. Luke told the "workers" as hayden says, that they are "AMAZING", and they have good balance! It was really fun. Our yard is more sloped on one side that we expected, but really flata nd great on the other so, we will work around that over the next few years, good thing Andy and I like to landscape. The boys will have lots of flat room to play football and baseball or whatever! They have asked for a tramp and a basketball hoop, lets hope Santa heard that! Well that is all for today...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Moving right along!

We went to visit the new house this weekend and were so excited to see that the foundation had been started! This week they will finish the plumbing, back fill the hole, pour the basement floor and drive way as well as grade the backyard. I am anxious for the backyard since I am very visual and want to see what it is going to look like. I keep asking Andy and he rattles all this mumbo jumbo surveying stuff off that means nothing to me. So I just can't wait till next weekend!

Enjoy the pics, if you care!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I like to cook and bake and in my past life ( the one where I had to be everything to everyone and the most perfect at all things), made breakfast, lunch, dinner and baked all the time, almost everyday... however that person has vanished and is trying to come back. Anyways slowly I have tried to get back into that routine- so today I was suffering from complete boredom, kids were at school and Hayden is sick so he was napping. I had cleaned the toilets for the day and did the laundry I needed to, I even worked on my "creations" for a while, no one was on facebook and I had no emails... so I decided to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch! BAD IDEA- the package is much better! every time I do this I follow the recipe to a "T" and they always turn out flat and thin- WHY???? Sorry boys, there will be dinner, spaghetti and homemade meatballs, but the dessert, well is trash!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Off track

Who invented year round school? Well they should be given 3 kids and 4 weeks off and see what they think! I am at my whits ends today. When I was little and wanted to have my own kids, a husband, a house and all that jazz... I pictured kids that go to school from 9-4 and then come home, enjoy a fresh baked cookie and a glass of milk in my clean house where no laundry has built up at all and nothing is out of place. They do there homework quitely and ask seldom questions. Change into their play clothes or sports clothes. Nicely get in the car keeping hands to themselves and we drive here and there and return home for a nice homemade dinner. After a family clean up we watch tv or play a game and then read books and off to bed. That is what I pictured! WHAT A FOOL!!!!!!!!!!

I sitting here and all is calm at my house cause in the car I screamed my head off and scared the crap out of my kids that if they did not stop misbehaving in public I would drop them off on the side of the road. We went to pick up a pizza... a take n bake pizza and they could not behave, give me a break! It took 45 seconds ok maybe 2 minutes but none the less. My throat hurts because I screamed like I have never done before and now feeling like a fool they are in their rooms until Andy gets here to deal with them hope he is relaxed from the gym!

What... what's that you say... they don't back till tuesday. Of course it is year round school and they don't ever go to school!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today was busy and exciting! We went to our pre-construction meeting on the new house and as we rounded the corner and turned onto the main street into the neighborhood we say a big yellow excavator moving dirt! I shrieked... it has seamed so unreal to me till today, we are moving and they are building that house just for me and my boys (all 4 of them). It was the best feeling I have had in a long time! We spent 2 hours going over all the specifics and then a few minutes snapping photos. We decided to tour the bigger homes, what our sales gal, Annie, calls mini mansions (and they are), I was excited to see them, but it made me realize that I love the house we choose... it is not to big and not too small! Here are more dirt photos!


Monday, February 9, 2009

You will never believe it!!!

So after more than a year in a half the mystery is solved! I was washing my couch pillows, unzipped the cover and out fell something very near and dear to Hayden's heart!
This item went missing in the summer of 2007, just before a very long awaited vacation to Cape Cod. Now this item is something that he could not live without. We searched high and low, in the trash can in neighbors yards, at the pool everywhere and it was nowhere to be found! Hayden received this item as a gift when he was a newborn and I never knew where it was from ... so I searched all over the Internet and found one it was like $20 to replace and $20 to ship... no way he could totally get over it, but wait long plane ride by myself, 2 weeks in different hotels/houses.... long days--- no I have to do something he will need it bad well I will need it. So I looked around some more and found one at the right start in Cherry Creek, I took the trip all the way there for the VERY LAST ONE and it too was more $ that I wanted to spend $30. So a brand new one was bought and loved very well for the past year and a half- UNTIL today when out of the pillow fell HIS ORIGINAL BLANKIE!!!! You would not believe his face- I walked away for a minute and came back into the room and he had both blankies in his hands tucked up close to his face and of course his thumb in his mouth. Such a big boy and such a sweet baby still!


So Today I will show you all our new house! Well it is not a house at all it is just the ground! But I think tomorrow they will start to dig the hole for the foundation! I just can't wait! Oh yeah we are moving to Castle Rock, but it close to Parker and Franktown, so it has offically been nicknamed, Fragglerock (remember that show?)! Hard to tell what you are looking at... but it is an awesome lot!

Clever Creations on!!!

Hayden turns 4!

Hayden turns 4!